Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Angel Gossip!

If you’re reading this then this is all about you (even though it’s about me too!).

Did you know that there is a whisper going on in heaven, a rustling among the angels? The word is out on the golden streets and rumours are being circulated from angel to angel. There is a definite buzz in the heavens today and the news is spreading like wildfire! Where did the word begin I wonder? Who is it that all the angels are whispering about??

Oh my! They’re talking about me! They say the King of kings told them, Jesus! They say they saw Him rejoicing, He was dancing with joy, He couldn’t stop talking about ME!! What did He say I ask? “Jesus said that you are beautiful, totally perfect for Him, that you are lovely. Oh and He said that when you sing to Him, His heart starts to beat faster with an overwhelming love for you. He told us that He cannot stop thinking about you, day and night, night and day YOU are on His mind!” I couldn’t believe it, Jesus said that…… about me?! Are you sure it was me that He was talking about? After all, this is Jesus we’re talking about! The Beautiful Saviour, the Glorious Lord!

“That’s not all He said,” the angels whispered, “Listen to this! Jesus told us that you are the one He wants to be with forever, you are His bride and He is your bridegroom. He says He has so much He wants to tell you, things He has never told anyone else, deep secrets, the secrets of His heart and He won’t tell anyone else, only you, because He loves you. He told us that He has so much for you, so much for you to do together, places to go to, exciting plans. He told us that He has blessings for you, gifts! Surprises around every corner! Flowers, sunny days, rainbows, colours, perfume, everything He can think of just to enchant you! He tells us He loves it when you laugh and clap your hands with delight when He blesses you. Then He told us that He simply loves to watch you, He is enthralled by you, He said you have the most beautiful smile, contagious laugh, you are just lovely. It’s funny,” the angels said, “He just can’t stop telling us about you…… I think He must be in love!”

As a bridegroom rejoices over His bride, so will your God rejoice over you. Isaiah 62:5

Image : Yozz

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

God in a Box?

Try and picture it for a minute – God in a Box, now try and picture it again without laughing!! The King of Kings, the Great I AM, the Creator of the Universe, the one who hung the stars in the sky and created you – in a Box? Totally absurd. The problem is as His children we try to put God in a Box all the time, now it’s no longer funny.

Recently I have noticed that we put God in a Box regarding our finances. The phrase that comes out so often is “No, we can’t afford it.” Even when it is something so important – “We can’t afford it.” As soon as those words have come out of your mouth the subject is dismissed and whatever you “couldn’t afford” is never done and not thought of again!!!! What happened to “For nothing is impossible with God”? I prefer the phrase “How can we make it happen?” As soon as you say that phrase the lid of the box flips open, your mind starts working and God starts talking! What a partnership – God instructing and you listening and of course doing!!! That’s the way to make those mountains move!

Let’s stop putting God in a box (and ourselves at the same time) and change the way we think. Let’s become doers and not grumblers, “I can’t, it’s impossible, we can’t afford it” and start saying “How? How Lord shall we make this happen, what can we do to help?” Let’s take a few risks, a couple of chances, have some faith. You never know – it may surprise you what happens when He jumps out of that box!!!